Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jinetes del Espacio SPOTLIGHTS!!!

As promised...I'm getting back to these MotU knock off buggers...Jinetes del Espacio a.k.a. Space Riders by Juyba...from Spain!

Now, I'm almost positive these guys are unnamed characters...unless, they got released in another form...but who knows. I actually ended up with three snake guys...all the same color. The horses seem to all have the same exact body...solid, with the same detail. There are three known head and tail designs with all come in different colors. I'm not sure how many color variations there are.

I really like the overall look of this snake man character...if you collect MotU knock offs, you may know that the Galaxy Warriors/Fighters/Heroes lines have snake men...all cobras! Those guys have names like Sahak and Kobraa...even Muscle Warriors has a version of a snake man. But...all those Galaxy KOs reuse the same three head sculpts (I'll show 'em off some day). As far as I know, this guy's head was never reused in any other toy line...I think. Technically, these Juyba guys were released single on cards with weapons, but I have yet to see a packaged snake guy. Gotta love that color scheme! I just wanna know if there are color variations.

Here's a shot of another version of the robot horse...admittedly, the reptilian steed has that "bad guy" feel to it. This robot one works well as a default "good guy" steed...especially in this color. Looks awesome! I still need to track down the hero figure (I assume) with the winged helmet form the package.

Here's the regular-looking horse...very much akin in look to MotU's Stridor or Night Stalker...an armored horse. Depending on the color...this sculpt works well either way...as "good" or "evil"...just like Stridor! Check that rider...easily my fave...just 'cause he's so damn weird and stupid. Ha! Weird. You gotta love the odd demonic techno-Egyptian gummi-bear leech thing he's got goin' on. What is up with that?

That close-up does wonders...witness the lion-beaver, snake-unicorn in all his absurd glory! I would like to shake the hand of that sculptor. What drugs were they on? Those odd vertical slit eyes...that odd reptilian throat...the lamprey mouth...the strange mane/headdress he sports that seems to be part of his head (or not). Just awesome...in a cheesy sort of way. By the way...I've only seen two styles of loincloth...the spikey one and this romanesque one...looks like it should belong on Skeletor, huh? That little face on the belt is almost a dead-ringer for Hordak!

There he is on another version of the reptilian steed. Nice. I had two of these (the rider)...one had green undies...a variation! I traded him off for another type of MotU knock off. I'll show that off when I get it...tee hee hee!

Another color scheme of the robotic horse...with a human, and presumably heroic rider. Yeah, laws of stereotype dictates that monstery dudes are usually bad guys and humans the good guys. We can assume he's the good guy type...but one never knows! Check out that gleaming white stallion...he's gotta be a hero, right? Maybe he just wants you to think that as he whips out his sword and cleaves your head with a passing swipe! AIEEEEEE!!! Ha ha ha...perfect trick. Yeah, this guy might just be deceptively evil.

Nothing too special about his look...overall...a He-Man rip-off. He's a long-haired barbarian type with a headband. Done deal. I've noticed the eye paint on several specimens and have came to the conclusion that the smudged look is an ongoing thing. Yeah, look kinda like eyeshadow. Maybe he's borne with it? Maybe it's Maybeline? Eh. Speaking of which...what's Adam Lambert up to these days?

Okay, last but not least...well...only "last" of the ones I own...I know more characters exist! I've seen this guy around a lot, usually without a horse.  I dubbed him as a zombie mer-panda awhile back until I got one in my hands...I had thought that yellow thing was weird head fins or gills sticking out...turns out it's a collar. Hmph...who knew!

His head seems to be designed to be a skull-spider. Those head protrusions may be horns, but may be ears. He has weird little insectoid mouthparts like the Predator, from those movies. I kinda wanna make him a little cape out of real cloth. A free-floating collar just doesn't cut it for me! Gotta love that head detail. Not as cheesy as the red guy, but just plain cool cool in design. I picture this guy as the Skeletor of this line of knock offs...and maybe ol' beaver leech as his Beastman?

Well, that's it for now. I need to work on my Jinetes del Espacio collection...but slowly...I know these aren't gonna be easy to find! I've really only gotten into these heavy as of recent, but they rose to the ranks of one of my favorite MotU knock offs. I hope you enjoy 'em as much as me! Good luck finding any...if they interest you, of course.

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