Friday, February 10, 2012

Big rubber dragons with foam insides...

I figured I'd show these off...traded some Masters of the Universe Hot Wheels to a guy in Germany for 'em...I never saw these in the U.S. before. I do see 'em occasionally in places on the ol' internet, but that's it. I know Toys R Us carried similar ones (I think they still do), and Michael's crafts stores carried smaller-scale versions of said TRU dragons...but I never saw the above pictured dragons in stores anywhere. Date of manufacture is unknown...these have no markings at all. Basically, they are soft...they have a foamy interior and a soft vinyl skin. If you squeeze 'em, air will puff out of a hole in their undersides. They are about a foot tall/long...probably form the modern era...late 90s to now. Not super-duper exciting, but still cool enough to make the cut in my vinyl/rubber/plastic dragon, monster and creature toys!

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