Thursday, November 21, 2013


Much like Flint, we got a version of Duke in earlier waves. He's a movie version for sure. Now, not to beat a dead horse, but most fans already know the hub-bub surround the release of GI Joe Retaliation. I won't go on unless someone messages me to...and I doubt that! Anyway...big spoiler...Duke dies early on in the flick. He's not really a main character in this one at all, aside form the beginning of the film.

Unlike the version form the first wave, this Ultimate Duke is not as simply designed. He also doesn't have some odd giant weapon with real launching projectiles. Just a highly detailed military figure with LOTS of gear! Aside from a shit-ton of guns and such and a little knife, he has removable armor and a helmet. He also comes with this cool aerial drone. He also comes with an alternate swap-out head. This extra head can instantly turn a stand-alone character into a troop builder! GREAT!!! Sadly, since the "super wave" he was in had a very limited retail release, you probably can't live your dream of having an army of these...unless you have big bucks and/or a mental problem.

Not much else to say. Again...great figure...lots of cool accessories. Honestly, if these had a wider release, you'd see about six of these in my collection!

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