Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Galaxy Rider

Looking through old, unused photos I had saved for blog posts is a tad confusing. Had to make sure I didn't redo any! Hey, my memory isn't that sharp these days.

Anyway, this toy is a Galaxy Rider. I believe they went by other names as well. Can't remember the manufacturer, but they were made in the 80s. Considered to be a form of Masters of the Universe knock offs or bootlegs...mainly since the rider has a very He-Man look to him...mainly the head. Kinda small, the figure is only a few inches high. Same scale as Dino Riders and Bone Age and such. I'm not sure how may varieties exist. I've seen bikes with dragon heads, lion heads, and bird heads. You press down on the front and it goes forward as is rises. Many came with weapons that attached to the side bike. Mine may not be complete. I do have a riderless blue eagle bike lying around. Some riders were caucasian while others were metallic like this dude...and flamboyantly dressed! I've seen riders decked out in giant collars and other garish garb...all metallic. Just a neat thing to have it you love goofball toys. I've never been super serious about tracking 'em down, but wouldn't mind getting a full collection some day.

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