Wednesday, September 12, 2012

*WHEW*...It's been a while!

Damn. It's been a time and a half since I updated this blog o' mine, huh? What...March? Yep. Soooo what happened? I dunno. Things...I suppose. You know how sometimes you just fall out of the groove of something and lose interest? That's sorta what happened. Plus, my personal life seems to get more and more lame and aggravating that I'm afraid of an outpouring of negative-ass crap. Eh, so totally emo, so I didn't want to log on and start venting about work or dumb stuff. Then, I suppose I just got out of the habit. I've meant to jabber about toys and stuff for some time, I said before: fell out of the groove. Anyway, found the courage to log back on. Let's see how long this happens.

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