Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I know I had vowed not to get and of the Renegades figures from the G.I. Joe line...but I caved on this one. See, I had passed on this guy several times...kinda liked it, but "no". It grew on me every time I saw it. I had noticed some of those hard to find Joes trickling into certain stores...I wanted to SCREAM since I coulda got Airtight and Lifeline for retail! ARRRRRGH! Eh, oh well...what's done is done. Anyway, I got Renegades Law & Order since I though they just looked great and I didn't have a modern version of them. So, there you go.

Anyway...the character is not called "Law & Order". The human Joe is just "Law" and the dog is "Order". See? Not many animal characters have a true name, let a lone one mentioned right on the package front in the G.I. Joe line.

As you can probably tell, Law is a military policeman. See that vest, that honkin big badge, that helmet? Yeah, you did...you saw it all! Back in the day, Law was pretty much the same deal...aside from a new sculpt and general look. The new version has a full, modern vest and has an older, more wisened look to his fave. The older one looked happier and uh...younger. In the animated movie he kinda had a Hispanic-sounding voice. I haven't seen the episode of Renegades with the new Law yet.

Here's Order. Back in the day, Order was just a solid plastic doggie you could put a rubber leash onto. The new Order has a ball-jointed neck (articulation!) and a sculpted-on protective vest. Much more modern! The leash is attached to the dog head part...sadly...since it's made of the same hard material as the toy and not very flexible...kinda looks weird. Although Law is standard cool, both in terms of look and usual articulation, Order needed to be put into an action pose...in my opinion. Order is just sculpted standing and looking happy to see you...I want an attack dog to fight off Cobras! Eh, not that horrible, though...just sayin'.

Law comes with an array of accessories...two black guns, a billy club, and some handcuffs. Sadly, the cuffs really don't fit nicely on any of the figures. He also has two silver pistols...both can fit in holsters on his personage. The one has a removeable barrel, like that on the Cobra Trooper I talked about earlier in other posts.

Well, we may never get a true classic style Law & Order and a movie version is a mystery, so I'll settle for this one...they're cool enough for me!


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