Saturday, March 3, 2012

Another couple o' Tomland aliens...

Even more for the pile! Yep, here are two more Tomland boys to show off. The first one is Haza, and the second is Newt. Haza uses the more detailed body sculpt, obviously...he's made to pretty much look like your classic semi-clunky sci-fi robot. Not that I'm complaining. I'm not sure if that weapon goes with him or not. As usual, so many, my collection is in its infancy. Since these are considered a type of Star Wars knock off, it's almost a given we'd see a weapon somewhat like the light saber. Oh yeah, these are my first specimens of Tomland accessories! I'm pretty sure they are meant to glow, but mine don't really seem to...gotta look into that. Newt appears to be a robot guy as well, but he's a bit more organic-looking. You can see evidence of rivets on his noggin, little sensor ear thingies, and even a robot-like mouth. He has what appears to be a goatee under his chinny chin chin, too! Makes him more evil! Moo hoo ha ha haaa! Again, I'm not sure if that big ol' sword goes with him. I actually love that damn thing. Not very "spacey" or futuristic a weapon, but it just plain looks cool. I really like Newt's color scheme and overall look, in general. It's hard to pick favorites...especially at this point...but I'm leaning to this guy as one of my top faves.

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