Monday, March 12, 2012

Movie Review: JOHN CARTER

Hadn't seen a movie in a while and ended up passing up a lot of interesting flicks, but HAD to see this one in theaters. The film is Disney's JOHN CARTER...which is based on Edgar Rice Burroughs classic pulp character.
Yeah, he was mostly famous for Tarzan, but John Carter was probably his second most well-known character. The tale is actually really old, too! We're talking before the 1920s! Yeah, it set the stage for sci-fi adventuring and inspired alotta future writers. I never got me that chance to actually read the originals, but had known about the character even before the internet age. I read and have read some of the various comics about John Carter. Trendmasters even made a line of Tarzan/John Carter toys back in the mid to late 90s...which I sadly gave up...but were still cool. Anyway, I dig the whole John Carter mythos, so I just HAD to see this right away.

It's Disney, so I always have a bit of a stigma for anything they put out. Eh, a lot of times it's uncalled for, but that's me. Hell, I loved Pirates of the Carribean! Well, thankfully, the movie stayed true to most of the original concepts and characters...I was impressed. They even kept a lot of jargon and stuff in the language...awesome. It's a movie, so I didn't expect them to get super detailed and heavily into all the subtle stuff surrounding the Barsoom mythos. Still, all the names, characters, creatures, races, technology...all there! Loved the characters...I mean, as always, anything can be better...but I was happy. A great action fantasy. I'd say sci-fi too...but that term kinda only sort of applies. Like the original Star Wars flicks, its truly more of a romantic action movie. Speaking of Star Wars...I really wish a movie like this would overshadow the market for such films and stories. I'm kinda sick of the Star Wars stuff. I really wish John Carter and the Barsoom chronicles would get big in a pop culture way. Sadly, the theater was not packed, even for a Saturday night. I'm sure John Carter will also be forgotten due to all the later blockbusters coming out in the spring and summer. Bummer! I really wanna see more. There is more...just not in movie form yet. I sure hope so.

Great time...nice adventure...go see it! Maybe you won't be so keen on it as I, but I think it was a fine piece o' cinema!

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