Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fantomah Fan Art!

Ooh, you know what? Just thought of something to blog about...and after my last, whiny post about my life sucking, I gotta get the taste outta my mind. It dawned on me. I had been doing some artwork recently. I had just gotten the second collected volume of a book featuring this old artist named Fletcher Hanks. I had heard about him in an article form Wizard magazine years back. I eventually got the book and later finally got hold of the second volume. Dude, the guy was not a good guy...Fletcher Hanks, I mean. Not much is known about him on a personal level, but he was apparently a spoiled jerk. He was a good artist, but his comics work kinda were his worst, in my opinion. He was probably just pumping out comic stories for money. Fletcher hanks was supposedly a big drinker, and often abused and neglected his family to pursue selfish pursuits. Not exactly Mr. Role Model. He allegedly even got a way with murder! Yikes! Though I have no personal respect for Hanks as a man, his art is nice. His comic work, like I said before, is much "cheaper". A lot of hipster types view his old work as "outsider art" 'cause it's odd, but it's really just because it's badly written and poorly drawn. own opinion. Also my own opinion: his most interesting work is a character named Fantomah. She was this woman who could become this spirit of vengeance. She looked like some pin-up girl who flew around the jungle in a nightgown. She had incredible, almost godlike abilities. and could turn into a skull-faced fiend to strike fear in the hearts of various evil-doers. Weird, huh? Fantomah was also, but technicality, the FIRST female super hero!

Yeah, so I got inspired and busted out the ol' sketchbook for a few drawings of fan art. I'd tell you more about the character and her adventures...but...I'll leave that to your own whims, readers. I think it's kinda more fun that way!

Fantomah has a real gem of a rouges gallery as well. Out of all the Flecther Hanks characters, her foes are by far the most interesting and weird. My favorite is this guy: Arco. He's an immortal mummy guy with both magical and scientific knowledge, and an army of fellow mummies! Awesome! Eh, remember, though...Hanks was a jerk to his wife and kids...the only respect he gets from me is for his art...and even that's shaky at best.

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