Sunday, July 14, 2013

Can't believe it's been two weeks since I updated this...WOO...time flies! See? That's why I rarely seem to update this thing...well, one of the reasons. Anyhow, my vacation was okay. I REALLY wish more people would have went to give it more of a party atmosphere. Eh, oh well. Also, I was kinda sick for most of the time, but not bad enough to ruin the trip. I actually got worse as soon as I got back. Hmph, not a surprise. The shock of not being on vacation and having to go back to work must have really worked on my illness. I'm still kinda coughing, but almost back in fightin' form!
Work was odd this week...very...desolate. I mean, I was kinda sick and in a medicine induced fog, but it really felt weird this whole week. Weather-wise it was kinda foggy, maybe hazy and overcast all week. I actually sorta liked it. It wasn't even that busy at work either. Seems to be a sign of change. I've noticed a steady deline in business for all the years I've worked. Kinda depressing, really. Hey, but at least it wasn't a full-on, annoying shit storm! By Friday and Saturday, I kinda felt more awake and less sick and started to notice all the things I hate about my job again. UGH! I'm really trying to let go of all my anger, hatred and frustration with my job. Not sure how long it's gonna hold since part of me feels this year is probably gonna suck. Oh yeah, we already have back-to-school crap up in our store. Second week of July and all that crap is up. Man, retail sucks on account that it just rushes EVERYTHING along at such an annoying pace. The world just needs to learn to...uh...chill out, no? Yep.
Also, this one girl I kinda...sorta...maybe like at work is on her vacation this week. Aw! DIdn't get to see her for a whole week, saw her for a few she's gone. Bummer. One of the only real reasons I even have to trudge into work every morning! Bah, I've said too much already. Don't wanna seem like a creeper. I probably have no chance with her anyway. Oh well.
OOH! And finally got to see a "summer movie". Go see Pacific Rim! Great flick. I won't give away any spoilers, but it was really cool and made my week. I'm kinda considering going seeing it again IF I get time. But I doubt it. I've got a lot of theatre practice these next few weeks. Anyway, that's been my so-called life the past couple a weeks!

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