Thursday, July 25, 2013

I'm still oddly in the mood to yammer about my life for some reason...

I'm gearing up for my next theatrical performance in the coming week. In other words, I'm probably gonna be busy between work, rehearsal, and set building/painting. I don't mind helping with set stuff, but it is a little bit too much like work. Since it's community theatre, you don't get's volunteer. I mean, I don't necessarily want money for it, since I like acting...BUT...staying up until 2am for the last week before opening night is kind of a scary thing. I don't think I've ever been in a show that didn't seem "scary" that last week before it opening. Last minute shit, lemme tell ya! Other than that, looking forward to Bye Bye Birdie. I do have top billing, after all!
Work still sucks, as usual...I'm probably gonna be stuck helping out a lot with back-to-school junk until God knows when. Man, do I hate any kind of stationery stuff, ESPECIALLY back-to-school. Such a huge friggin' fiasco that stuff is! We get tons of that junk in to the point there's nowhere to store it, no one to put it out or sort it...BAH...always a huge mess, and it never gets better all the years I've been working retail. well.
Love life? Still none. I had really high hopes of something happening between me and a certain someone, but once over-active imagination saw something that probably was never there. Well, maybe I thought it, 'cause I wanted it so bad. I was slowly getting used to using Facebook and trying to get with the times. The girl I liked is really into that kinda crap and I noticed the other day she updated her relationship status with some...guy! UGH! Bah! There that goes, I suppose. The whole damn week I was feeling really good about stuff until that. My heart almost stopped when I found out she was seeing someone and finally made it official. I mean, I could go into detail, but it took me a while to fully come to grips since I was privately upset as all Hell about it. I honestly really liked this girl, but like I said, my imagination tends to make me see things. Oh well. I still really like her and all. Naturally, part of me is inclined to wish she'd break up with whoever the heck that guy is, but I'm certainly NOT gonna wish any ill on any person I like. If someone or something makes someone happy, I have a conscience enough to not even wish that thing would be taken away form them just to make me happy. I just hope she's happy and assume she is since I think she's had a longer, deeper friendship with said person than she has had with me. Eh, I'm a damn freak-o, mildly inbred, genetic freak with personality problems anyhow. Admittedly, I never looked to see whom my one follower on this blog is...I'd freak if I found out it was her, or someone I know that found this...but if so? Oh, well!
Oh yeah, and thinking about finally getting a cell phone...a "fancy" one. I was always behind in anything. Any trend...always behind. Especially with technology. I've hated phones, in general, for as long as I remember. I've hated cell phones for years...texting...and all that jazz. Well, I've been thinking about taking the plunge, finally. I'd been nervously asking around and getting advice...AND...I'm still confused as all Hell!!! I think I know what I want, though. I might go and get one later today since I'm off work. We'll see. I just feel that I need to essentially force myself to get with the life is waaaay to stagnant. It's hard to keep in touch with people, and friends often complain how much of a pain it is to contact me. I still have a freakin' land line fer Pete's sake! I actually hate talking on phones, so I'd probably mainly be texting. That's something I always have hated. Texting...bah! I'm turning into a sell-out hypocrite! BUT...seems my only hope to fully join organized society and maybe feel somewhat normal.
Next step, though? If you've read any older posts, you know I'm the stereotypical dork still livin' with mommy 'n' daddy...well...I WANT OUT!!! I need to move out and be on my own. No one crampin' my style and bugging the shit outta me! I was holding out on moving out until I either got a "good" job or fell in love, but since neither of those are happening, I kinda just wanna move out for the sake of moving out and being on my own...I suppose it would make me feel more grown-up and a real man...YEAH, that's the ticket!

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