Monday, July 29, 2013

Well...I got a cell phone...a BIG step for me! Yeah, many people who know me find it hard to a matter of fact, some were downright shocked! But me a fancy cell phone. I had one before, by technicality. My parents had bought me some flip-phone pre-paid jobber for Christmas maybe a couple a years ago. I rarely used it...Hell...never even charged it. I must say that I never really liked phones, in general. Usually when someone is calling you, they WANT something from you or NEED you to do something. Kind of annoying. Phones can be trouble. I even started to just ignore the damn thing ringing in my house some time in my teen years. I hated talking on the phone to my mom every weekend while I was at college. I just really...*sigh*...don't like phones. When cell phones started becoming all the rage, I never really paid much attention. If you don't like phones, then why carry one with you as a mobile annoyance device? As cell phone usage became more prevalent in society, I cared even less and less about ' the point of hating them. Not out of jealousy or fear...I just hated phones and the fact they seemed to have an odd grip over the populace to the point of obsession. No one wants to pay attention to what's in front of them anymore. Everyone's always twittering their lives away on those damn things. I continued to use an "old-fashioned" land line phone for years. Friends (what little I have) often commented on how much of a pain it was to contact me and get in touch for various things. I just dealt with it for years and never even thought I'd get a cell phone. At any hit me...I guess I'd been thinking so much lately about change that I figured it was about time I made more. So, I figured I had better jump on the bandwagon. Yep...I'm kind of a sell-out, I guess. Even a hypocrite, maybe. I dunno. Did I lose the one thing that makes me special or stand out amongst millions of regular folk? Even before I got my phone, some people who found out I didn't have one were actually sometimes proud of me, often bemoaning how phones are essentially a pain sometimes. Well, due to many many personal reasons, I slowly decided to build up the resolve to get one. Honestly, it takes me a while to has to come...naturally, and I have to want it. Well, it came! SO I went for one of the higher-end phones. I figured, no screwing around...straight to the top. I've had it less than a week. Still trying to get the hang of it. Not all that horrible, so far. I may lose heavy interest in a week or so, but we'll see. Who knows?!

I could explain all the little life details that went into me getting a cell phone but even I can't fully explain it myself. At any rate...we'll see if my life improves...or if I end up hating myself even more. Time will tell.

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