Thursday, February 16, 2012


See this guy? His name is Airtight. He was part of the "last" wave of non-movie G.I. Joe figures released. Oh, and he's a bitch to find! I had actually seen and held this figure, personally...but did not buy him. Why? Technically, he's a Renegades figure, and I had sworn to hold off on all the new cartoon Joes. So why did I end up giving in to an eBay scalper and paying extra for a figure I  could have gotten for normal price? Despite his Renegades packaging, the figure itself is true to the classic Airtight figure. Kinda makes you wonder if they (Hasbro) intended him to be a normal Joe, but since he was apparently in the 'toon, decided to release him in Renegades packaging. I haven't seen every episode, but he's supposedly a guy who was working for Cobra since he was misled that they were "good". Anyway, the Renegades figures actually have the same generally realistic sculpts as the standard Joes, just that they are based off of the cartoon appearances from nowadays. I merely tried to save dough by abstaining from the Renegades stuff. Well, I screwed up, realized that Airtight could pass for a classic and ended up getting one. Whhhhew...there!

As a said, he's pretty damn close to the vintage version...except he lacks his old air hoses (breathing apparatus) that attach to his mask. I never had the old figure, but remember this guy from the old cartoon in the 80s. He's supposed to be the resident practical joker of the Joe team. I always thought he looked like a pilot...a visual that still bugs me a bit to this very day! He's actually a hostile environment trooper. He basically operates in hostile environments and deals in poisons and fumes and such. Eh, you get the picture. Just like the old days, he comes with his weird fan backpack thing with hose that attaches to a weird vacuum gun (?) for cleaning up...stuff...I assume. In a way, he kinda makes me think of Ghostbusters. Hey! I wonder if the Joes ever considered having a paranormal guy on their side. Oh hoo hoo! What an idea! I hope some Hasbro rep is reading this by chance.

Unlike old Airtight, new Airtight has a removeable helmet.  You can technically remove his chest apparatus as well if you want. You also get an optional air tank backpack. Neat! Also new...he now gets a rifle and some thingie. Damn, I really gotta start saving those file cards again! I think it's some kinda reader to test air quality or something along that line. Or...maybe it's a ghost trap? Again with the Ghostbusters reference!

Well, after all's said and done, despite my stupidity at not buying him the first time I saw him, he ain't bad to have! Great, even! I still get bugged by the whole "looks like he could be mistaken for a pilot" look, but I suppose it's just one of those bugaboos I'll have to learn to live with.

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