Friday, February 10, 2012

Rubber creepy creatures...

These things...these...rubber creatures have been around for ages. I've seen these wee beasties in many forms over the years. I forget their exact point of origin, but they first came about waaaay back in like...uh, the olden days? Oh Hell, I always forget! Jigglers are hard to peg down in terms of origins. You could find 'em in cereals as prizes, in vending machines, and dime could win 'em at arcades or carnivals, or get 'em as party favors! Holy moley! I had several versions of these as a kid in the 80s. I had a few neat-o jigglers like these. They don't make 'em like this no mores! Anyway, mine (the old ones, not these) were solid-colored and not just clear, but they also had a secondary paint application just like the ones pictured. I think they often go by the handle "Creepie (creepy) Crawlie Creatures" or some o' that jazz. I got these recently in a purchase form a fellow collector...or was it a trade? Eh, cannae remembah...but I love 'em!

As you can see, there were eight sculpts. I've also seen these in bigger scale too, and in different materials. I had a decent set of these back in the early 90s made out of a weird puffy rubber. Got 'em as arcade prizes won through tickets. Sadly, I no longer own those. I love these, but I want to try and casually track down some of the non-clear ones...I did see a sack of 'em go off on eBay a few weeks ago. They went for a lot...can't remember exactly, but it was more than I was willing to pay...even for mint ones!

1 comment:

  1. Hey man, cool blog!

    These creatures were originally sold carded in the 70s as "Slurfies," but most of the ones that turn up are actually knockoffs of those originals. You can tell the originals because they have a much higher quality look to them.

    I've got pics of mine on Flickr:
