Saturday, February 18, 2012

Movie Review: RED TAILS

Saw this roughly one week ago. The flick is called Red Tails. I remember seeing a preview for it once, way back when. Kinda looked neat. I don't usually do movies that lack some sort of monster or sci-fi thingie, but once in a while I go catch a realistic movie. Now, I'm no war buff...I'm no WWII expert...I'm not gonna go into the accuracy (although I"m told it's fairly historically accurate)...I'm gonna just give you the gist of what I thought about the movie.

Okay, it's February. That's Black History Month. No surprise the movie was released this month. Red Tails was based off of the Tuskegee Airmen, look it I said, I'm no history buff (and I hate typing). I didn't really look into the movie too much beforehand. All I knew was something about George Lucas having a bit of trouble trying to get this poor flick released. I just went in to the theatre to see a heavy thinking beforehand about anything. The previews made it look really cool, so I really wanted to love this movie. Eh, I didn't. It was okaaaaay...I guess. I mean, first thing I noticed was that the opening music and even credits seemed cheap. Looked and sounded almost like a TV show as opposed to a Hollywood movie. I wasn't gonna judge yet, though. The movie actually started out okay. The acting was okay to crappy a depended. The characters were mostly decent. Outside of the main cast, everyone really sucked. Some really really sucked. Special effects were least I thought so...some of the people I went with said they shoulda used real planes and, whatever. Story...well, without getting too spoilerish...was just okay. Aside from the struggle of the underdog black pilots trying to keep their program afloat, they added some mild struggles for the main characters, but nothing huge and epic. No major drama like you'd expect in a big budget flick. I dunno...seemed like this was a made-for-TV movie or a direct-to-video release put up on the big screen for the Hell of it. Eh...what else can I say? Well, lots...but I'm typing, not talking. Sorry! Hey, I'm trying my best...this is my FIRST movie review on this blog!

Bottom line: Red Tails could have been something great, but was only mediocre at best. Man, it coulda been so much more! They coulda done so much with this topic, with this story. I actually really ended up liking a lot of the characters, and wanted to see them in deeper...uh...depth, but no. I mean, the movie was alright, like I said, but it left you feeling underwhelmed. I'm not saying Red Tails was bad, no. ANNNND, I'm not just saying that because I'm trying not to seem generally mean or even racist...I'm just saying that for such a movie, they screwed up.

Red Tails never really quite got off the ground, and will probably never really go down in history for being a great motion picture. I do see it maybe shown in history classes some day, just because.

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