Wednesday, February 8, 2012's been over a week since my little vacation, and UGH...I hate it! I seriously think I'm addicted to not being at work. I kinda understand why all those d-bags out there are on welfare and such. Who the Hell in their right mind wants to work?! Damn, that first week back at work was Hell...the week itself just drug on and on. I just wanted to hang my damn self in the maintenance closet and rot away. Why does work suck so much? The outside of work week wasn't much better, either...the usual nuthin' happened. My life sucks! Oh, I did end up going over to my one friend's friend's house. I got lost trying to find it...long story, but after nearly an hour I realized I had probably passed it a bazillion times. I had been there once, but it was night and hard to tell. HA! We were gonna watch the Tim & Eric movie on On Demand, but for whatever reason, it didn't work. Bah, technology! We ended up watching an anime called Earthsea or something like that. No awesome, yet not bad. Nice. Weekend work still, what's new?! I ended up going to a Super Bowl party of sorts...a small gathering. I hate football, and sports of any kind, so I just went to get outta the house and be around people. Didn't really pay attention to the game, just ate pizza, played with the dog, chatted, and kept an eye out for any cool movie previews in the commercials. Eh, not a bad night. Last two days just sucked more and more ass at work...UGH! I really hate I said, I'm really getting addicted to time off. Can you believe I almost fell asleep walking on Monday night? Didn't know that was possible. I ended up being lame and falling asleep early last night too! What a waste of life! What the Hell is wrong with me? At least I have a day off today...ahhhhhhhh....

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