Wednesday, December 21, 2011

3 for 1 Deal

I figured that since I've been getting too behind in talking about cool plastic crap, I'd do a 3 for 1 post about some vending machine toys! Yeah! First pic are some Bok Choy Boys...neat...used to have more, but got rid of 'em and renewed my collection with those four. Eh, I don't feel like getting more, though. Second, are some mystery guys...I forget what they were called...a bunch of monster-themed or maybe even Halloween figures. I remember getting 'em for a quarter in Big Lots...I know I had more, but did I get rid of 'em? And why did I keep those two, only? They can be used as pencil toppers, which is pretty cool, but they are not erasers. I know there was a skeleton, a zombie or something, a bat/gargoyle, and maybe a witch. Last are Freaky Geeks. They are pretty cool...eight made. For some reason, they made colored ones and partially colored ones. Guess which ones seem to be made in greater quantity...BINGO...the ones I like the least, the partials! Damn! I do have one of each guy, but didn't feel like trying to get all eight in full, glorious'd get too expensive.

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