Friday, December 2, 2011

Well, ended up wasting some money today. Not to much...I just wasted in principle! See, I noticed a new vending machine in the vestibule at work. It had some of those mini rubber duckies in it. I had seen 'em before, so they weren't really "all new" to me. I figured I'd get a few. Whoa? We had a row of 75 cent machines now where the 50 cent ones were, and 50 cent ones where the 25 cent ones were...what the Hell?! Jeez, things are getting tough! Even cheap plastic crap toys are going up in price. Anyway, figured I'd get at least one. SHIT!!! I didn't realize there were stickers and ducks...apparently, as I truly examined the glass window of the machine, you could see some of the capsules had rolls of stickers instead of ducks. Son of a bitch...75 cents for three crappy stickers...the aesthetics weren't even that crap. I didn't even bother shooting a photo. I was pissed. I blew another three quarters, determined to get a duck and thankfully I painted up to look kinda like a doctor. Nice. Lesson learned, until the next time. Yeah, and while I was in a money wastin' mood, I saw this good-sized plush Slimer (from Ghostbusters) in the claw machine. I screw with those every once in a blue moon. Hey, I needed a new piece on junk to plop on my car's rear dash. Wasted a damn dollar and a half on that nonsense.I'm a stubborn ass...those things always get think the plush goodies are so easy to get, and they ain't. Slimer was just sitting there, right at the edge, screaming "win me" I couldn't resist! BAH! Never again...until next time. Felt like crap for wasting money so threw some in the Salvation Army bucket outside. I shoulda just gave 'em all of it.

Oh, and while I'm on this subject......saw these cool little wind-up toys near the registers near the impulse-buy sections. They were in t large PDQ display with a 2/$3 sign right on it. Picked out a few. I'd have rather spent the dollar they were actually worth, but I figured they were an okay purchase for a dollar and a half. Got to the checkout...the bastards rang up for three damn dollars. Say what, playah hater?! Hells foolin' around with price checks and what not...I just turned 'em down, flat out! Again, cheap crap that ain't cheap. What's the world comin' to? How my supposed to get my fix!

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