Thursday, December 22, 2011

G.I. JOE Techno Vipers

Hey, it's mys first GI Joe post! Wow! Yeah, I'm a long-time Joe fan. They were the first action figures, you know...grand daddy of 'em all. Now, I'm not into the 12 inchers...I'm a 3 3/4 inch man...what can I say, I was an 80s kid...I grew up with those things. Of course, the modern small-scale Joes are now 4 inches, technically. Anyhow, the modern day stuff started out with the 25th Anniversary of GI Joe and Hasbro basically remade classic 80s characters into "improved" modern versions...mainly geared toward geeky older fans as opposed to younger least in my opinion. Then cam the movie stuff which semi-evolved into the Pursuit of Cobra line and into the general mish-mash today...a plain GI Joe line with classic stuff, new stuff, and based-off-of stuff from cartoons or comics. The last couple of figure waves of 2011 were heavy on the characters from the new cartoon. A few were more "classical" characters. I've been avoiding the cartoon stuff, just because these guys are getting expensive, so I'm stayin' mostly old school, here!

Okay...this is Techno, he isn't some guy who plays lots of electronic music and does ecstasy...he's an evil engineer! See his purple suit, his weird helmet, those dangerous "tools"? Yep, totally evil. I shoulda snapped a photo of the time. I'll also hafta start saving the files on these guys again, too! Eh, next time. Well, this new version of Techno Viper is pretty damn sweet. I don't have the older 80s version, nor did I ever have one. I always admired it, though. Techno Viper is always a fan favorite. He just looks so cool...and he's an evil engineer! They really did a great job with keeping the faith on this guy's design. A great modern version that stays true to the classic design. All the old accessories are even there, plus some new ones. I never had the old one, so I never played with one before. If I did, I'd have loved screwing around with all those cool tool/weapon attachments. The side pistol is new for this guy as is the hazard cone. Nice touch, the hazard cone...adds a "real world" element to the toy. Even an evil organization like Cobra likes to stay safe, I suppose. I love the Cobra logo on the cheezy, yet so awesome. Makes me wonder if Hasbro re-purposed that cone from something else, since it has a hexagonal peg hole in the top as if made to hold something. There are also grooves at the base as if they were made to link or interlock together. If you had the cones en mass, they'd all fit together...weird. I only have two Techno Vipers...pfffft..."only"? Yeah, I army build to an extent. Some collectors have huge amounts of troops. I try to be selective. I figured, as cool and these boys are, I really don't need or want a horde of glorified evil grease monkeys. I'll save my money for armies guys. I'm plenty happy with these two guys...again, very cool figure...nice retro style with a modern touch.

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