Tuesday, December 13, 2011

G.I. Joe RETALIATION Trailer!!!I

Whoa, been almost a week since I updated, huh? Well, I've had a busy week last week...most of it was not necessarily "fun" stuff either, and the last couple of days at work have been the usual pain in the butt. Eh. Last night I actually konked out before seven o'clock...damn! Wasted night! I was kinda pissed when I woke up for work...it's like coming home from work, eating, then falling asleep so you can go to work again...ROTTEN!!!

Anyway...day off tomorrow...and it had better be good! I had almost forgotten about the new trailer for the second G.I. Joe flick dropping last night...you know...me sleeping and all. Here she blows:


I know the first one caught some flack...well, a lot of flack...most everyone had something bad to say about it that it makes you wonder why they bothered with a second one. Me? I liked the first one...I am a big Joe fan, so maybe I'm just biased, but I really got me a good ol' kick outta the original and have high hopes for the sequel. I noticed Cobra Commander has a more "accurate" design, a HISS tank may be made use of, and even what I believe to be B.A.T.s are shown...you know, battle android troopers? Cobra's resident robot soldiers?  I have a hunch they are probably some synthetic humanoids programmed or even cloned from Storm Shadow...just sayin'...I mean, with Star Wars: The Clone Wars around, maybe they're trying to appeal to that generation? I also liked the appearance of the red ninjas and have hopes that the actual movie battles will be hopefully mid-blowing. I haven't really "read up" on all the stuff, but apparently a lot of the first cast is caputsky...gone...unfortunate. Seems it's hinted that all or most of the Joe team gets killed, so fresh start? I'm worried Destro might be gone! I just hope not.

Oh, and if Dr. Mindbender gets used in this flick again...I better be seein' a monocle, and shirtless with metal suspenders and a cape combo, here! No, I'm not like that...I'm just a sucker for kitsch!

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