Friday, December 30, 2011

Wowsers! No updates for a while...what with the hustle and bustle of the holidays and all. I coulda covered a lot of personal stuff...but naw...Christmas was okay, as usual...was bitter about having to work Christmas Eve, but it's nuthin' new. Did get home in time to hang with the extended family a bit. Got a bunch of trade paperback comics from "Santa" the next day and pretty much rolled around all day in typical restful holiday fashion. Got sick the next morn and am still sickly to this day. Thankfully, it's a functional sickness...I wasn't bed-ridden and still ain't (just coughed, by the way). Work has been Hell after Christmas...the after holiday clearance seems extra pain-in-the-ass this year...I just wish everyone would stay the Hell home and play with the gifts Santa got 'em instead of wasting the days at their local shopping spots...not enough gifties, eh society?! Well, I shouldn't talk...was off yesterday and decided to go for comics, since Wednesday was new comic day. I figured the clearance hawks would be just about done, but no...every damn body was still out and about. The comic shop in Scranton, PA (Comics on the Green) was nice...everywhere else was a bitch. I usually park at the mall lot and walk uptown since I hate paying to park and am not down with the whole parallel park scene...forget it! I've never seen that damn parking lot so'd swear it was Christmas Eve instead of three days or so after...sheezuz! I was sad since some friends went in a group yesterday...up to the same comic shop in a rare mass trip. I did not go since I was the only one working. No one could wait until Thursday...*sigh*, after my lonely comic adventure, got a sweet half-price Japanese woodblock print calendar and more trade paperbacks at Barnes & Noble (tee hee much is never enough with comics). Also scored a GI Joe Sci-Fi figure at Wally World...from the last wave (?) of the year. No Lifeline or Zombie Vipers, though...some lucky bastard beat me to 'em! None in sight, yet I combed the whole toy department like the huge dork I am just in case they were laying around...nope. On the way home, I opted to wait and get gas at a small local station instead of stopping in Wilkes Barre...I was almost on "E", but I guess there must have been water in the tank, since I stopped dead on the hill leading up into my home area...son of a bitch! How humiliating! I was just thinking that maybe that might happen...psychic jinx! I reversed the dead car down a hill into a "safe spot" and hoofed it home. No cell phones for me...bah! Devil's work! Hey, got my walk in early, anyway. Only took an hour and a half, home, my bro gave me a ride to pick up gas, filled up, and drove two brothers were going with friends for wings. I'll admit, was kinda jealous, but ended up going for wings with some people, 'bout that for a day off?

Oh, and work today continued to suck ass...when are these damn kids goin' back to school? When are their damn parents going back to work? Does anyone work!?

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