Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Man oh man...haven't talked about toys since before Christmas!!! Soon, my dear non-followers and casual readers. Just haven't been able to get back into the game, I guess. Haven't had the urge to update, I suppose. Anyway, it's a little late, but my New Year's Eve celebration went okay this year. Hell, it may very well be the last one if the crazy Mayan prophecies are correct. Yeah, yeah...subject of joking and ire alike, but one might never know! Traditionally, the idea of ringing in the new year never really appealed to me as a young fella...staying up 'til midnight was never that exciting. It's only been the last few years or so of my life that I really cared out celebrating the holiday. Yeah, hanging out and partying is only a recent thing for me...and doesn't happen too often to start with! There was gonna be the usual small gathering at a friend's apartment, but another friend's sister and her roommates were having a large party, and it was suggested we attend. Uh...I technically was not invited, and actually found out she was only semi-cool with it at the last minute. Oh, well. I had met my friend's sister a few times and had been at a drunken Halloween party in October. I'll admit that I didn't have a great time like back then, but it was still okay. Since I was driving two guys around, I did not want to get all drunken, so I really held back. I was actually super excited about the party beforehand...almost to the point of sheer giddiness! I spent fifty bucks on booze to take to the party (which actually remained untouched, almost!). I ended up, thankfully, not feeling like getting all plastered. I did have some drinky-drinks early on, but held back alot, knowing I was driving. I technically shouldn't have had any, but *sigh*...shit happens. Yeah, makes me sound like a total douche bag for saying (typing) and thinking that, but...again...*sigh*...it just often ends up like that. Good old fashioned peer pressure! At any rate, details aside, the party was okay. I just wish I knew more people and could be around more close friends...sadly, it seems fate has decreed long ago that I should not have tons of friends, let alone close ones! Damn, kinda depressing, huh? Anyway...stayed up late as Hell, and I pulled through, delivering two sloppy drunks home, and struggling to stay awake. Didn't get home until almost five in the morning...not good. I sleep an uneasy three hours of partial sleep before waking up sick. Again, skipping the gory details, spent a great deal of the day sleeping and sickly. I had been sick all week, so staying up late (all night, actually) and drinking a bit did not help! After awakening at four o'clock, ate and played Scrabble with my mom and grandma and basically rested into the evening and even read some comics. Then...more sleep!

Work was a total bitch the next day...I hoped the "clearance zombies" would be gone, but they were there in full damn force again. Do they never rest?! Jeezuz...has no one a job of their own these days? Eh, I'm just being bitchy. I really need to stop. I probably won't, though. I just need a new job. Ended up seeing a movie later on that night, knowing I had no work today, so I saw The Adventures of Tintin with a friend. A good adventure flick, although it'll be one of those movies that no one sees and most people will never know exists...just sayin'!

I woke up today after sleeping in a bit a read some more comics and lazily slopped my way down to the computer to check up on crap in the dork universe. I'll probably write up some bills to mail out and prepare some sold eBay items and some trades for shipping, and then do nothing...maybe go for the walk I was supposed to go on this morning...yet now, at night! Oh, well. More toy talk later...promise!

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