Thursday, January 19, 2012


Burnout here is another newer character to the Dreadnoks lineup...but not new new, as he actually had a figure before. Yep. Back in the days of Spy Troops, Burnout was released. Damn...I actually have the figure...I coulda dug him out to compare! Stupid! Stupid! [facepalm]...*sigh* any rate, this new version is totally more mean-looking than the original. The first version didn't really have the dreads, like this guy seems to have...old Burnout had slicked-back, long, not brown. He also had gold barbed wire wrapped around his chest (ouch, he must been a real toughie), and blue highlights on his pants. This version has a much more subdued color scheme. Me likey! They also added a tattoo on his arm. The character was supposed to be a school dropout to some degree, hence his name: Burnout...although there are no allusions to *ahem* drug use on his file card, old or new. My only gripe about the figure re the weapons...yep, the figure rocks, but the shotgun seems a bit undersized and tiny. I would loved to see a big, rough-looking shotty as opposed to the dinky one Burnout got. The hose on his flamethrower bugs me too...not only is it too short, but made of hard plastic as opposed  to the usual vinyl hose. Eh, I can deal, though. He's too cool not to like! One other comment...the old Spy Troops Burnout had spy gear (of course). He came with disguise elements to make him look like a member of the military police...he had a vest, helmet, arm guard and riot shield...not bad! The new version has no such spy gear...darn.

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