Friday, January 20, 2012

THUNDER (previoulsy known as Thrasher)

Okay, time to continue my little reviews of the BBTS G.I. Joe sets...I'm moving into "classic" territory now. I never had any of the original Dreadnok toys...always loved 'em from the cartoon, though I never actually obtained any. Neither I nor my two brothers had any Dreadnoks...not even a Zartan! Anyway, before starting in on Thunder, I must say that I shall not be showing any pics of the old figures since I found a disclaimer at the beginning of the book I had used to scan images from. I guess I overlooked it before I got the idea in my head AND before I went through the trouble of scanning a bunch of images...dammit! I guess I just can't bring myself to break the law, no matter how pointless it does seem. Eh. So, no "dare to compare" shots. Sorry!

This is Thunder...well, Thrasher was his original name. See, sometimes these things happen...a company loses the rights to names and what not and hafta change or alter 'em...I don't care about all that legal crap...but like I mentioned above, it's the law. So, we get a name change for Thrasher. There was actually an old Joe named Thunder. Thrasher drove the Dreadnok Thunder Machine, so I guess it's a close enough name change. Eh. Anyhow, this guy is the spittin' image of his vintage counterpart...aside from technical details, he's pretty damn faithful to the original. Thrasher was only available with the Thunder Machine and never released loose. The vehicle was totally a Mad Max inspired piece of was Thrasher. If you ever saw the flicks, you'd know what I mean. Thrasher's character was supposed to be some spoiled little brat who grew up into some moral deviant and generally nasty guy. He joined the Dreadnoks after basically happening across their little group. I remember form the cartoon, he showed up to the "Dreadnok tryouts" in the Thunder Machine and pretty much waited everyone else out and barged in to victory, earning his way into the 'Noks through treachery...the right way!  He's got a total punk, jerk-ass look going on...with his typical Dreadnok bare midriff and repurposed football armor. His weapon is an upgraded version of his old one, a lacrosse stick with a spiked ball embedded in it. Makeshift mace! He was always such a bastard on the cartoon, sounded like a prick...but that's what made him evil! This is a great remake of the if Hasbro could give us an update of the Thunder Machine...........

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