Saturday, January 21, 2012

Marauders FALCON

Yet another ugly-colored Marauders figure...the last one, thank God. I'll be glad to get 'em outta the way to talk about the Renegades! Anyhow, this is Falcon or Lieutenant Falcon. See, he's the odd man out of sorts since he never had an official Marauder counterpart in the 80s run. Nope. Aside from Sarge himself, Spirit, Barbecue, and Low-Light, we also had Footloose and Mutt in the Marauders, but not Falcon! See in the old animated Joe movie, Falcon (Duke's half-brother) was that jerk guy who screwed up but eventually redeemed himself and helped save the day. He more or less, abandoned his post and let the forces of Cobra free a captured Serpentor and get some good soldiers hurt. He was gonna be court marshaled but instead Duke got him off the hook and a chance to redeem himself. Falcon got sent to train with Sargent Slaughter and his merry band of Renegades. That's probably the reason they threw the character of Falcon in this set. The Marauders color scheme was just a novelty, I guess. I never had a vintage Falcon. I think the made one in one of the 2000s series, but he kinda sucked. They made one for the 25th Anniversary waves too, but I think he kinda sucked too...gotta dig him out. I guess I was never a Falcon fan. He was the jerk who got off the hook! Bah...nepotism! This version is nice, but the color scheme is still ugly as sin. It actually might have worked if not for that yucky pea soup green that stands out for some reason as an eyesore in my mind. One nice point is the removeable beret! I love a good jaunty beret! The angle and glare in my head shot photo make it look like he has this slicked lock of hair swooping down the side of his head. Trick of the camera...doesn't look that intense. I really need to dig out that first modern Falcon, as I'm pretty sure that one had a different sculpt. If they would just give this version a better color scheme, we'd be in business!

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