Friday, January 20, 2012


Yeah! Oh, yeah! It's vacation time, baby! No...I'm not actually going on a vacation, I'm just using up my paid vacation time from work. See, if if you don't use it, you lose it. Eh, I just need a break this time of year, and this is perfect since we often hit an odd lull around this time. True, it's ugly and cold out and I have no where to go and barely anyone to hang around with, but I just plain like not having to go to work! I ran the gamut of pain-in-the-ass stuff on my last day at work, so I'm ready and rarin' for some free time for work! Oh, but it's supposed to snow first day of vacation spent shoveling...dammit. Helluva way to start a vay-kay...but hopefully this one won't get semi-ruined like my last vacation when I hit a deer halfway through!

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