Sunday, January 22, 2012


This is Red Dog. There was (or maybe still is) a beer called Red Dog, so I'm surprised they didn't give this guy a new name. Weird. Anyway, this was the guy who was booted out of pro football for unnecessary roughness. He's got a Polynesian background, hence his adornments. The headband and necklace carry over from the classic Red Dog, while the tattoos are is the facial hair. Old Red Dog had no beard or mustache. The old one also had decorative arm bands and a belt buckle which this one does not. I kinda miss those, even though I never owned any of these figures before. I just miss the look. He also a black chest harness and a different jersey. The old jersey was all red with white sleeves, while this one is mostly white with red shoulders. His number is still the same. I'll admit, I ain't a sports fan at all. I do notice that the Joe roster has a lot of different sport references amongst its members. Most seem football-related. I like the look of the vintage Red Dog better but this one is still okay. Still captures the feel of the character. He also comes with a football this time! Yep, he can toss around the ol' pigskin with the other Joes! The package even warns the presence of "small balls" a child can choke on...this is said ball. Tee hee hee..."small balls"! They gave him the "big guy" body physique which fits the character perfectly. Love that. He's actually my least favorite Renegade but it's good to have him and his brethren all together. Another note about Red Dog's character. He seems to have issues with teamwork. Aside from being booted outta the pros, in the flick he exhibited a lax attitude towards team playing...I guess that's why he was under Sarge's watch, to learn teamwork..."we all go home, or no one goes home"...

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