Wednesday, January 18, 2012

More Tomland guys...

Hey, hey! Here's some more Tomland alien figures. First guy is named Aton, and the second is Koga. These guys are great, but I think I've mentioned that before. Eh, I'll mention it again! Anyway...I'm still not all hard core about these guys yet to be able to rattle off the different lines they were released under or all the variations...some day...some day. Aton's chest sticker has a little wear in the upper left corner...maybe you thought it was glare, but no. I suppose one can debate if the character is wearing glasses or a mask of some sort. With the designs on these boys...who knows. Koga has the "robot body" as opposed to the seemingly more common and well-known standard humanoid form. Lotsa cool detail. Mine has some unfortunate wear...physical deterioration of his chest sticker. See, while a lot of these Tomland guys have some generic pattern of colors or whatever, this guy (and others) have this weird pattern made to look like a set of organs. Sick! So, cyborg? Maybe. Thankfully his white body doesn't have heavy yellowing, but this sample does have other forms of wear, as you can probably see...but I love 'im all the same.

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