Saturday, January 21, 2012

GNAW (previously known as Gnawgahyde)

Say hello to the Dreadnoks' resident poacher. This is Gnaw. He was originally know as Gnawgahyde which was a play on the words "gnaw" and "naugahyde" (fake leather). He's a victim of name change, for whatever reason. Aside form dog treat companies, I really don't see why someone would copyright Gnawgahyde, but oh well. He's Gnaw, now...quite simply. He wasn't featured in the older cartoon, but the newer one for the early 90s. The older version of the figure was a lot more cartoony-looking in my opinion. He had a big dumb mouth of gnashing teeth and a bright yellow leopard skin vest. The new one is more subdued. His big ol' grimace is now a sly, cocky grin...which I absolutely love! Makes him so much more evil. His old vest is now more realistic-looking. No more leopard skin, just a brown vest with new fur collar. Makes him look like the cousin of Kraven (the Spider-Man villain). His gun stock had a little leopard skin ammo pouch on it, which I assume is an homage to the original figure's leopard skin print. This new figure is a nice update which, although slightly different in decor, still captures the feel of the original. He does come with less accessories, though. Sorely missed is his old bow and arrow and his "pet" or animal companion: a wild boar. Darn! I always loved Joe figures that came with a "pet". No new-sculpt boar companion. Awesome figure!

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