Thursday, January 19, 2012


Okay, time to get started on these toys. I figured I'd start out with the total newbie character of Zanya...uh, actually...rewind it back. I'll quick talk about the packaging...nothing much, no real flair. We've seen a few exclusive sets like these before and it seems like they got lazy on this one, but I don't really care. I open my stuff and the packaging is just garbage to me. Normally, I'd clip out the classic file cards with the character bios on 'em, but these particular sets have rather lackluster file cool artwork...neutered, why bother. I guess they just can't do 'em like Larry Hama could! As for these seven Dreadnoks, the roster is pretty much filled up now. We had gotten the original three 'Noks in the 25th Anniversary line, several versions of Zartan, and Monkeywrench in a movie two-pack...oh, and a new guy with a vehicle for the Pursuit of Cobra line (damn, I forgot his name!). Oh, and again...can't forget Zarana from the Comic-Con exclusives! I forget any more? This set finishes off the classic the character I shall now move onto: Zanya...daughter of Zartan!

Now, back in my college days in the early 2000s...I started reading G.I. Joe comics. At the time, I really expanded my horizons, comic-wise. and a Joe comic seemed awesome since the new toy line was starting up and a new comic had actually just started up as well. I actually forget the publisher at the time (it changed...a few times, I think), but I got annoyed since they (or someone or ones) kept rebooting the storyline, so I pretty much crapped out on the Joe comic and stuck with the toys only.Zanya was one of the new characters I had seen in those comics. She was introduced as Zartan's daughter...kinda makes me wonder who the mom was! Anyhow, I actually forget if she had any fancy back story...I suppose I coulda researched that, but...NAW! Heh heh heh! She just looks cool, and she's a new Dreadnok...that's enough. The only think truly new about the figure is the head. Most of the body had been used on the Zarana figure, and the legs are probably from Lady Jaye or whatever (eh, I actually don't know). I actually think her hair was green and purple, not just green, but I could be wrong. She also sports the "new" Dreadnok logo or insignia on her shirt. The new insignia is a stylized Zartan skull. This symbol was something form the modern comics and what not. The classic Dreadnoks didn't really have a true logo, but I guess it could be considered the flaming, horned skull thingie that appeared on vehicle decals (and on the set's package...oops!). Since this is her first and only figure so far, I have nothing to compare her to form the olden days...sorry! All new! I actually really like her and hope to see more newbie 'Noks in the future...specifically more females...just because. I'm sure the newer comics had some new characters. I know one named Heartwrencher exists. Sadly, I cannot comment much on Zanya's character...I really shoulda researched her, the toy is cool, anyway.

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