Saturday, January 28, 2012

Okay, my little stay-cation is nearly at an's the weekend, so it'll be back to work on Monday as usual...rats!!! Most of my vacation, I pretty much just farted around...I did end up going "out" two nights this week...a true rarity! Yep, was supposed to go out for wings on Tuesday, but it didn't happen. I was sad. No, was Wednesday, I think...anyway...did go out to some bar whatever night that wings was gonna happen. They had a "dub-step night". Eh, it was alright. Beforehand, me and a friend stopped at one of his friend's houses to pick up some folk. Got mauled by their dog, but it was a maul of love...didn't hurt. For a pit bull, it was kinda cute! Watched the end half of A Clockwork Orange, and ended up quoting the damn flick for the next two nights. I drove, which was mildly nerve wracking...but I maintained. The bar was pretty full for a middle of the work week. No real douche bags in there...which was nice. Ended up meeting up with some folks. Had me a few drinkie-drinks (yeah, not really kosher for the driver) and played some pool (which I can't really play, well or otherwise). Aside from minor chit-chat, nothing else major really happened. Frankly, it's times like these I do indeed wish I had me a nice girlfriend. Would have loved to bust a few moves on the dance floor, but without a partner...gaaaaaaay! Sorry for the slur, but know what I mean...AND..nobody cool really gives a shit 'bout that petty language issue anymore, do they? At any rate...yeah, woulda loved me some nice dancin'! *sigh*

We were supposed to go back to the one guy's place to hang out and stuff, but I figured we'd best head home. Eh...don't wanna fall asleep driving. There were plans made to go bowling on Thursday, though. Turns out...ta-da (!)...we did end up going for wings before bowling! Oh boy! Hadn't had some good wings in a while. Went to this place called Major League. I've been there a couple of times...not bad. This time, it was almost a full house! A nice group, we had...a couple of our party couldn't finish their wing orders (pssssh...poseurs!), and it turns out you were apparently not allowed to take home the extras due to the rules of that particular wing night...I guess they were cheaper for "in-house" wings. Ha ha ha...seems so silly, but those who could not finish, actually were not allowed to take home their uneaten food! Wow, just seems so petty and bizarre, but dems da rules!!! Bowling was decent...played a few dollar games (Thursday is dollar night). I usually suck at bowling, and tonight was no different. I was the "decider" for a win on the last frame, but I choked...TWO gutter balls...lost by one point. I hate myself...*sigh*...but it was all in fun (I hope)!

There was supposed to be another outing and get-together, but I ended up not going. It was raining pretty hard here on Friday, and I didn't feel like driving in it. Yeah, kind of a grampa reason, but I also didn't feel like hitting up some sports bar. One of the guys going was only going since he collects fancy beer glasses, and you apparently got one free that night. After that, they were gonna go over someone's place to watch a bootleg movie. I, uh, really am not into the whole pirate thing...I didn't mention that, but it bugs me a tad. Eh. Did feel kinda sad on missing out on the "get-together" aspect of it. Ended up falling asleep at home, listening to Seal's greatest hits!

Might go catch my brother's play I tried out for and didn't get into. He actually was replacing a guy that had to drop out the week before opening! I think I may have mentioned that here before. Anyway...might go. I just got a call for the movies, but it was too last-minute and I was lazy and hadn't showered yet...ugh! Wanted to see Girl With the Dragon Tattoo or Red Tails...but my chums were into The Grey. Eh, I can fight wolves outside any day...if I wanted. Next time!

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