Wednesday, January 18, 2012

G.I. Joe BBTS Exclusives!!!

Attention Joe fans! I've been gearing up to talk about these ever since I got 'em in last week...these are the Big Bad Toy Store exclusive G.I. Joe seven-packs: the Dreadnoks and Slaughter's Marauders...both really nice sets which I am glad to now have. I'll probably talk about each figure over the course of the days/weeks and I really like these sets and want to talk turkey about each individual character. So, get ready. I never had any of the classic, vintage versions of any of these when I "dare to compare", I'll be using scans from Mark Bellomo's Joe guide (God, did I spell his name right?). I guess that's okay as long as I credit him, right? RIGHT?! Eh, I don't know how all that copyright crap works...I kinda don't care, since it's not like I'm makin' money off of it. Anyway, sit a-comin'!

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