Sunday, January 22, 2012

BULL (previously known as Taurus)

Last, but not least, is called Bull. Yes, another name change. Naturally, I like Taurus better so I shall refer to him as such. Taurus, like most of the other figures, is a pretty close representation of the classic character. Two notable differences: no mustache, and no gold codpiece on his crotch. Bummer. He actually doesn't look bad, though...even without these. The color scheme is the same as the vintage version. Taurus' character was an ex-circus performer and he had also apparently worked with governments on "secret missions" in the past. He's also apparently a whacko. Yeah, even Sarge referred to him as having "a few loose bats in his belfry" I'll accept that he's crazy. He hails from Turkey...the country...not the bird. I'm not sure if people were red-heads over there or not. Yep, he's a ginger! As I mentioned, his new look is sans his old mustache. He kinda looks like Hellboy or Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop...would make an excellent custom figure for either. I just generally like him. I kinda assume that Road Pig's sword may or may not have been intended to come with Taurus. Sure, the original figure did not come with one, but he was seen brandishing one in his animated debut...he even cut himself a bit screwing around with it! I'm not an expert on Turkish bladeworks, but it seems to work with him anyway...just looks natural. I just plain like the new Taurus, that's it!

Well, that's it for the two BBTS Joe packs. The Dreadnok set was awesome and filled out the remainder of the ranks, while the Marauders set was only half awesome...well, a little less that half (odd number). I would have rather seen a "normal" Falcon and a Sarge figure. and maybe some all-new Renegades characters and had it a full-on Renegades set as opposed to a Marauders one. Sgt. Slaughter did get a few figures made, but they were convention exclusives and go for big money...damn. Supposedly, they (Hasbro) might do a non-convention release of Sarge, but it's only rumor at this point. I did break down and get a convention Zaranna, which I will cover in time.

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