Sunday, January 22, 2012

MERCENARY (previously known as Mercer)

Okay, now time for the real main event of the BBTS exclusive Slaughter's Marauders set...the Renegades! Yep, as I mentioned before, the Marauders and Renegades are technically separate entities, even if both under Sgt. Slaughter's command. There were only ever three Renegades. These guys were considered too unconventional to truly be fully integrated into the G.I. Joe roster. So, basically, they are the freaks and weirdos of the group, segregated due to their eccentricities. HARUMPH!!! Kinda seems unfair, but's the world of military fantasy! Onward!

This guy is Mercer, now known as Mercenary probably due to a copyright issue with the Mercer name. I will, of course, refer to him as Mercer. See, Mercer's schtick is that he was an ex-Cobra...a Viper to be exact. Apparently the only Cobra ever to defect to the Joes according to lore. I'm pretty sure there were no ranks in the trio of Renegades, but if I had to pick a "main guy" it'd be Mercer. He always seemed the most together of the Renegades. They made their debut in the old animated movie. Mercer had a sort of dashing English accent of sorts...they call it "trans-Atlantic" in theatre circles. Made him seem so cool! He's got a grudge against Cobra values so he's all to happy to trounce on his former employers and give away secrets of their operations. He actually still wears the Cobra colors, probably as a razz to Cobra. This new version is fairly close to the classic one. He always just had a classic, generic adventure gear look to his uniform...not really military. He was the only Renegade to get an all new sculpt down the line and get reused again. I'd say his second version (with facial hair, darker colors, and armor) is superior in look, but that's just me. I wish I could show off both vintage versions! This new version still rocks pretty hard. I love the addition of the anti-Cobra tattoo on his arm. Kinda makes you wonder if he just got it straight-up or if he had a Cobra tattoo and later added the crossed circle after he joined the Joes.

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