Saturday, January 7, 2012

Today was kind of an action packed day...remember me going on about the stress of holiday decorating? Well, went through the reverse today...alotta bitching thank God it's over. Plus, if all the crazy Mayan bullcrap is correct...I won't hafta do it ever again! Anyway...after that, made homemade pizza...every one of my family members had some bitch-ass complaint about it. Why bother? Eh. After that an interesting call. Seems some one I know was having a comic book hankerin'...wanted to possibly get back into he and another friend were going out for comics. I hadn't been to a certain local shop for a while, since he moved a while ago. Figured it was about time to go back! See...I only got into comics around the time of the old X-Men cartoon. I mainly got a few titles from what was available at either Waldenbooks or whatever grocery store or pharmacy carried. I had discovered the only local comic shop: The Golden Unicorn via a bulletin board ad waaaay back whenever. I eventually made that my go-to place for comics ever since. Admittedly, all details aside, it's been tough getting there in recent times. I had been kind of a "traitor" and had been going to an out-of-town shop a lot as well as the good ol' Golden Unicorn. Well...long story short, the Unicorn moved and I never found out where it was (officially), until today. The old place was the classic stereotypical dank, musty comic shop...very old timey. The new place? I don't know what type of business was in the building before, but it had some weird flames or some kinda designs on the walls...maybe a tattoo parlor or bike shop? place is bigger and much more well lit! Astonishing! He replaced his olden days register with some new thing. Kinda disappointed me...seriously, that old thing was an antique...coulda been worth big bucks! Same old stuff though...not that that's a bad thing. Picked up some stuff and got "caught up" with the proprietor...he's a real card...heh, of those guys that if you get to know him, you may actually hate him if you aren't thick-skinned. He's basically an ass-buster...almost hardcore. He'll get you with some real good ones, if you catch my drift. I never really conversed with him much in the past. Only in recent times have I really had many words with him. Eh, what can I say. I kinda feel bad for being a "traitor" of sorts...he actually referred to me as a comic shop whore...again...*sigh*...whatever. I'll hafta make it a point to go back more often, so he can keep his kid fed and what not...keep his heart unbroken. Oh, we ended up going up to Scranton and Wilkes-Barre for the Hell of it anyway, too. Yep, in true traitor fashion, we all went to the Scranton shop anyway: Comics On The Green! Tee hee hee hee!!! Got some stuff I had missed that the ol' Unicorn didn't have in stock...hrmmm? After that, a quick stop at Sam's Club for restaurant supplies for our buddy, then a quick trip to the mall to bullshit. Ooh! Almost forgot to open up the vintage packs of Garbage Pail Kids cards I got! Gotta go!

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