Saturday, January 21, 2012


Best for last? You decide. This is Road Pig. You know, I had talked about the whole "inspired by Mad Max" look a lot of the Dreadnoks have, and this guy takes the cake. Honestly, remember Master Blaster form Beyond Thunderdome? This guy seems to be almost inspired by the lower half of Master Blaster...the big, dumb, muscular half...the guy the little dwarf rode around on? Don't remember? Look it up! Anyway, Road Pig is one of the most iconic-looking Dreadnoks in my opinion, just on look alone. The Dreadnoks as whole conger up ideas of that biker/punk look I talked about before. Road Pig is the big, mean muscular dude. All the old Joe figures had (roughly) the same proportions. Nowadays, some figures are taller, skinnier, shorter, and even bulkier! Granted, this general body type was used before, but it works oh so well for the Road Pig  character. Easily the best updated figure of the Dreadnoks! He even still has his old anarchy symbol tattoo. The old and new Road Pig come with the same accessories (roughly). His old arm guard/shield was a black thingie with a serrated from part. His new shield is an old street sign! Awesome idea...goes with the idea of the Dreadnoks utilizing crude, barabaric weapons, sometimes made of found or repurposed objects. Nice touch...Hell, awesome touch! His new crossbow is bigger and badder just like the figure. The classic cinder block mounted on a club is back, although I still argue this is a crappy one-time-use weapon as a real cinder block would probably crumble after a few hits...just sayin'! He does come with one new weapon: a sword. Why? I dunno. He wasn't in the first Joe 'toon and I really don't remember him in the newer one. I wonder if he used a sword in the comics? Some kinda homage? I hafta look into that. Anyway, the uncharacteristic sword fits into a slot on the back of his armor. This might have been made to hold his hammer, but since it don't fit in too smotthly, maybe Hasbro just threw in the sword for fun? I dunno. I think the sword may have been intended for use with Bull for the Marauders set, but I'll talk about that when I talk about follow? One thing the Road Pig character shares with Zartan, is that he's the only classic Dreadnok that got used twice! See, all the Dreadnoks just had one figure...well, one version. Zartan got his original release and then, years later, got an all-new sculpt when he was in Ninja Force. Road Pig had his original figure, plus got reused in a sub-line of figures with sonic attack back packs. That Road Pig was the same figure, but with a new paint scheme...a gaudy one! He almost got a third use in the canceled ninja-themed line near the end of the Joe run. Why? Who knows...he's have been a horrible ninja!

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