Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sci-Fi...the Joe, not the genre...

Got this guy Thursday of last week. See, I promised toy talk, and here it is! Sci-Fi here is part of the last wave of Joe figures for 2011...and it will hopefully carry over into 2012! I still need Lifeline and several Zombie Vipers! Normally, I would not venture out for toys this time of year, since it's mostly scraps of old crap at almost all stores. I only stopped in to department stores after I had went out for new comics...no one had anything new, except for the Wal-Mart in Wilkes-Barre PA...oh, if only I had stopped on the way to Scranton instead of afterwards, or maybe I could have gotten his case mates I wanted! Well, enough lamentation on them...here's the one I got...Sci-Fi. He was the first truly weird-looking Joe character back in the day, I guess. Most Joes had an at least vague military look to them...somewhat realistic, but not this guy. He was a laser trooper, so I guess they had to make him weird. His bright green outfit stood out then, and stands out now on the remake. Well, maybe not so bright, now. Unlike the original, this version has a removeable helmet...two actually...one has a full face plate. That's a nice touch! His main weapon is his laser rifle which is connected to his backpack via a classic tube or wire accessory. You also get the standard figure stand. All in all...nice update of the classic.

I never had the original 80s figure. I do remember him form the cartoon. My brother had a version form the 90s...part of Star Brigade, I think...I dunno. I can't remember how many versions of Sci-Fi were made, off the top of my head. My youngest brother had the one with a white and bluish uniform. I forget what other accessories he had, but that one had a removeable helmet. Underneath, he kinda almost looked like John Stamos! I was curious, if the new one would have the same look, but as you can see...he's got that hoodie-type thing on...I forget what they are called. Damn! No Stamos hair! 

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