Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Jeez...another long stretch without blog updates...what's happening! I either end up falling asleep early or just plain not feeling like it. All for the better...I've been so bitter at work, that all my posts and updates would be too rant-heavy. Eh. Anyway...I "need" to go shopping today on my beloved day off. Bah! Christmas! Humbug! I hate shopping, especially last-minute Christmas shopping. Not my fault, though. See, my pain-in-the-ass family that just insists upon the tradition of gift-giving can't make up their minds until the last shopping week. Dammit. I'll be going later on...I'm actually procrastinating right now by surfing the 'net and blog updating...*sigh*...I don't wanna go! I hate mindless tradition...no one even wants anything that badly, including me! I wish my family would finally just give it up. I yearn for a giftless Christmas...a worry-free holiday!

I hate out society and it's shippy-shoppy crap...everyone can just go ahead and blow it out their ass...bah, gifts!

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