Tuesday, November 29, 2011


When does it end? Does it...does it g-get any better? Wow, I must be really depressed, 'cause I just plain hate my life. Kinda petty and whiney, but my feelings are genuine, so it's a valid statement. Why? Oh, the usual...work sucks...worse than ever, plus I just feel that people in general are all just jerks ( I suppose I have to include myself). Why can't grown adults just act like grown adults are supposed to? I hate having to hold everyone's hand and wipe everyone's butt for them. Everyone is so crippled! Why?! I was just so annoyed by everything yesterday, that I practically ran out of work yesterday. I won't bother going into further detail.

Now, I got back my core fee for that broken alternator I fixed on Thanksgiving morning. I decided to go look for new shoes considering winter is fast approaching and my current sneakers are on the threshold of being technically classified as sandals. I decided to go out of town after dinner. Well, didn't get new kicks...pumped-up or otherwise...but ended up spending way to much on crappy, junkie toys! Never go shopping when you're depressed...moral of the story.

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