Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wow! Time seems to just fly by these days, doesn't it? Well, I think so...*whew*...seems like I never have time for anything. Wanted to do some nice, big pieces on some action figure goodness, but I either fell asleep early every night or my internet connection seemed to crap out. Hmph! Anyway, after a long stint of not really doing anything of the social variety...did get to go bowling Sunday night! Had a blast, even though our party was rather small. Unfortunately, I did have work the next day and didn't get home 'til late...very late. See, the two guys I rode with are jobless, and had no concept of getting up in the mornin' and was essentially forced to go to freakin' Denny's with 'em. I tried to be a sport about it since I don't get out like this much. Work really sucks when you have to mold your social life around it. Not very fair, is it? Anyway...paid the price the next day...groggy as Hell all day and nearly collapsed when I got home. Damn. That's just the way I am these days.

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