Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mystery MotU knock off...

What's he from? What knock off line? I have no idea. So many! Anyway...just got him in yesterday...had gotten a notice a few days ago from the post office that a package was waiting for me, but had no time to run and get it! Now he's in my sickening grasp! Okay, this guy was a total impulse buy...no offense to the seller, but I probably paid too much for him. I gotta drop the habit of occasionally finding something I think is too cool and rare to pass up and shelling out too much for it...eh, oh well...he's mine now! That head sculpt is based off of one of the head designs form another KO line called END OF TIME. The body is one I think that has mainly been used in Europe in many knock off lines. This guy may or may not also be meant to be a Sectaurs knock off.

Here is an officially known End of Time figure next to my weirdo. The head on the shiny one is solid, unlike the official one...hollow rubber, like real MotU or Galaxy Warriors/Fighters. The legs are ball-jointed on both. He may or may not actually be a bootleg or unlicensed figure. End of Time guys have no names, and came with helmets and weapons as well. Numerous color variations and limb.sculpt variations exist as well. Too many to keep track of! They also had packaging variations...some came in single packs, and some in large three packs! There are also "junkier" or inferior versions...sometimes the glue holding the bodies together fails over time. Not uncommon for the figures to up and fall apart. No wonder they're so hard to find! I'm pretty sure End of Time was only released in Europe. They may or may not have been made in response to the New Adventures of He-Man, just as Galaxy Warriors was made in response to Masters of the Universe...but that's just my theory. End of Time is sometimes referred to (mistakenly?) as "Dino Warriors". The line is also officially known as...Galaxy Warriors END OF TIME: Last Battle...*whew*...a lot to swallow!

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