Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Man, I could just spit! The days just seem to run together. Another dragger of a day at work...naturally, since it was raining, I had to go outside and run Mr. Forklift yet again. After years of experience you find that every damn time the weather blows...you end up needing to use that stupid contraption! Had to cram overstock Christmas junk, a ton of snow shovels, and a ridiculous amount...and I mean ridiculous amount of stupid plastic storage totes into trailers today. We had so much overstock crammed out in my department, we had to get rid of the unsold fall-themed totes by wasting money renting storage containers to put the unwanted junk inside 'til...pffft...whenever! What ever happened to "supply and demand"? Seems we always get plenty of "supply" when there ain't no demand! God, I hate this country sometimes. Gotta have plastic storage totes!!! Anyway, since everyone is such a rushy-rushy pain in the rectum, I took my own little command over this and set things right...MY way...and it was all going smoothly and as it should. Aside from the rain coming down, it was all planned so nicely. Naturally, it went from a light rain to partial slush and it was cold as Hell and wet, but we rushed quickly and efficiently until one of the tremendous stacks of totes toppled...right over...by accident...in the damn rain. I freakin' knew things were going too well, that something had to happen to put a damper on my spirits to match my damp body. ARGH!!! Pain in the damn ass...damn company and it's overstock junk! Quit getting so much stuff!

Okay...done venting...for now...

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