Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It's knock off time again......

Now, who's this fellow? He's a character from the Masters of the Universe knock off toy line called simply COMBO...or Combo Hero, or Combo Warrior. The Combo guys came in many different body styles and color schemes and even with different accessories. So many...*snicker*...combinations...one might say? Oh ho ho! Get it? I don't think that's why "they" called the line Combo, but it is rather odd. Anyway, this body style is one I believe may have only been released in Europe...I think. Don't quote me. The body almost seems bootlegged from the true MotU body, only the details on the boots and belt are sort of "shaven" off. Weird. All Combo guys came with a cheap cloth or plastic vest. Also a lotta variations on those! This guy has all original parts since he was the only one I have that came in a package. His name is Mr. X...a sort of rip-off of Mr. T , I suppose. I'm not sure if "they" meant it to be that way. I'll talk more of the Combo family over time...mark my words, I will!

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