Saturday, November 5, 2011

A brand new day!!!

Wow...I decided to start a "blog" as you kids call it. Here it is...I've done it...hmmm, not too scary I suppose. Why did I create one of these thingies? I dunno...maybe 'cause I can? I guess I just felt a bit bored with life (so to speak). My life kinda sucks and is just plain BORING...I've given up on TV, and rarely go out. My main interests right now are reading comic books and collecting toys...that, and I just seem to go to work...that's life.


So, I have been randomly web surfing more and more...I'm kind of a weird little "techno-phobe"...I don't use cell phones, or mp3 players or any of that jazz. I don't have some fancy HD television...I just don't care much for most's the devil's work, I say! Eh...computers are the devil's work too, but I use 'em for pleasure...looking up dorky stuff like info on toys (new and old) or comics, or crappy cartoons and movies. Yeah, I'm just a huuuuge DORK...hence the name of my trusty blog, here. Well, I'll try to entertain or inform anyone who happens to read this. Admittedly, I'm such a damn newb it ain't funny. When it comes to stuff like this, I usually shy away 'cause it's "too scary" to deal with. It took me years to work up the urge to even become a member of a message board or two...sign up for crap like eBay, and the like...make a stupid, stupid Facepage thinger...ehhh...I'm trying to be normal and part of the "gang"...not working. I'll make a blog! Here it is! Rejoice!

Well, as you might guess, I'll probably talk randomly about toys, comics and all things "dorky"...hope fellow dorks don't find that offensive. If so...buck one cares! Enjoy!

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