Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Well, since I started this thing...this blog, I'll admit...I've been disappointed. Is no one reading this? NO subscribers? Does nobody care?! Is this not what society is into these days...seein' what stupid crap other people are up to? I mean, I can give two craps, personally...and no offense to any readers of this, but I would probably not follow anyone's own blogs unless they had something cool to offer. God, I'm such a dork-ass!

Okay...I've been updating with posts a lot...a few a day in a string. Hey, I'm dork-a-liciously excited about geeky/nerdy/weirdo stuff...gotta get a bunch in before I can calm down and be more casual about this. Heck, I need to do a few posts on comics, maybe some movies and such...*whew*...lotta work to do...mixin' it up and all. In time this shall be the coolest of cool blogs about dorky stuff. Mark my words.

Now, a quick blurb about my sucked. It sucked major league rectum. I work at retail. I told you that, but just reminding anyone (?). That accursed psuedo-holiday, "Black Friday" is coming up and sheeeee-it...the store's a jumpin' with activity in the name of gearing up for that sales slop. Bah! Thankfully, I lost faith in the quality of modern toys and junk...most of ' I'm proud to say I really care oh, so very little about buying anything. I hate shopping. I hate and receiving. I just don't care. I wanna try to enjoy what scraps of a life I have. Aside from toys (action figures, mainly)...I think I'm pretty good on not being all materialistic...knock on wood! I don't have a cell phone...don't watch TV anymore...don't waste money on DVDs, Blu-Ray, or whatever...don't care about mp3s and iPads and such...I ain't a fancy-boy who cares too much about clothes or man perfume or jewelry or even cars. I"m awesome, right? No, I'm an ass...I just try not to buy to much crap anymore. It just doesn't really do you much good. True, every once in a while I make some dumb purchase and regret some unneeded thing or overly expensive doo-dad...but at least I try. I ain't perfect. I'm even trying to slowly ween myself off of toys! Yikes! I just hate the hustle and bustle of this season. Christmas is just a stupid pagan holiday. Anyone who worships a pine tree carcass should be shot...there, I said it. Take that, society!

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