Saturday, November 26, 2011

Too much Christmas!

Jeez...there are a few reasons I've come to despise the Christmas holiday season...I don't wanna drone on about all the reasons right now, lest I be labeled a "Scrooge" or a "Grinch". Today, I went through the gauntlet of decorating for Christmas. What a freakin' mess! Eh...what can I say, I'm a thirty year old dork who still lives with his parents and two twentysomething brothers who aren't really dorks like me. I still help dear mumsy put up the holiday decorations after all these years. My brothers, however, have slowly weaseled out of it over time. I mean, I love my family even if they are big pains sometimes...well, most of the time (sadly), but I've noticed long ago that holiday preparation is a bitch. It seems to get worse every year. Why bother? I hate the idea of slavishly trying to adhere to tired old traditions that have lost their magic. I have no problem with Christmas, but hate what it has become...or rather...what society has made it into. I do not care for Santa Claus, Frost, Rudolph or any of that pagan tree worship nonsense any more. Society jams all that junk down our throats so much and so soon, it gets sickening. I can still vividly remember Christmases from years past as if they were yesterday! Seems like they just happened! UGH!!! I really don't wanna turn off any readers of this blog with my whining about crap, but I guess I just can't promise to refrain from using this thing to vent my frustrations or voice my opinions...even if I do seem to tend to be a complainer. Anyhoo......back to the whole Christmas nonsense. Every freakin' year at my house gets really piss-ass annoying with the decorating. Mumsy dearest needs to give up the ghost. She just forces herself to want to put up all this stupid stuff and make a big huff 'n' puff chore out of all of it. She just pushes through the routine of it and doesn't seem to enjoy decorating. It's a chore, plain and simple. Sure, she likes the end result of a nicely decked hall or two, but the process...the cleaning, the taking down of Fall decorum and unburying of Winter stuff then putting it up and putting away the old stuff is just so taxing! We spent all damn day doing it. I surely did not want to. I wanted to go on an extra long woodland walk today while I had the day off and could go while it was light out, but no. She bitched and whined that the decorating "had to get done"...pfff...."had to get done"? See the problem? She made it a chore...not a fun thing. Holiday decorating should ideally be fun and gay, not a laborious task you hate. If the process of preparing for a holiday is not worth the hassle, then the holiday ain't either. The joy is sucked right out of it! Again...why bother? I try to explain this to her, but no. She wonders why we all came to hate the holiday preparation process...she's so damn locked into oldschool traditionalism that she can't see the problem. I've all but lost hope of reaching her. I was lying on the floor, waiting for the sun to warm the Earth a bit before leaving to walk and mumsy starts the crap...crying and moaning how lazy and uncaring we all are for not helping her. Eventually, we gave into the nagging and took down the Thanksgiving stuff. I want to go into the details of just how bitchy she gets and how annoyingly whiney she sounds, but explanation does no justice. You just have to be there. My brothers sort of faded off and I ended up hauling all the freakin' Christmas junk out of storage my damn self! What the Hell? How did it all fall on me all of a sudden? I felt like Jesus dragging the cross to Golgotha...I had to dig out this huge, heavy, two-part platform we just have to have, then awkwardly maneuvered the sections through the cellar and up and out through the yard and into the house. Then, I ended up crawling upstairs to bring down the fifty thousand boxes, totes, bags, and bins full of heavy crap so my mom could pick and choose what crap she wanted up, then take back all the other stuff. I put up the damn fake tree myself this year. First, no one one...seriously, what the Hell? I cursed trying to string on lights and one strand went bad after I put 'em on and had to undo the whole thing and redo it later. I got pissed 'cause my mom and dad basically chided me for getting frustrated about it...even though I somehow ended up doing all this crap I hate by my damn self some how! Again, what the Hell? Was is "pick on me" day? I actually kinda konked out after lunch...hey, seems stupid to whine about, but I was tired! My mom ended up putting all the ornaments on my herself. I kinda felt sorry for not helping her with that. I guess deep down she just wants the stuff up for tradition sakes and likes to look at it...even if it is a bitch to put up. We often get angry with her since she is such a huge nag about everything...everything...I mean it! It is kinda sad how what was once a fun family tradition became a chore that everyone hates and no one participates in. Just the thought of my mom putting all the heirloom ornaments on the tree by herself is a little sad. I did wake up to help her with the garland...she actually fell of a chair and hurt herself. I hate to seem mean about it, but it was kinda her own fault for being stupid and stubborn and trying to rush and "get it done" in a hurry. Afterward, my brothers went out on their ATVs with their buddies and then out to the bars/clubs or whatever while I, the loser, stayed home and set up all the ceramic houses and village stuff and hooked up the ol' Lionel train set. Then I took all the other boxes and crap back up into storage, and it was finally done...over...*whew*. After all the hassle, the cursing, the whining...was it worth it? No. Absolutely not. I still hate it.

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