Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Whoo! Ironic how I mentioned about my life being boring as all Hell, but I do get to do stuff...once in a while. Haven't updated since I was practicing for and performing a theatrical production all last week. I was in a production of Neil Simon's RUMORS for three days. I had the second to most minor role, but still...always good to be a part of something like this. I'll admit, we practiced pretty hard every night after work, all week and everyone was stressin'...one of those total "OMG" moments where you think that something is NEVER gonna work out...but it did! Sadly, didn't get any pictures...not did I bother to at least get a photo of myself dressed up in character...shoot! Oh well...next time.

On another note...back to life as usual...work sucks. It really just sucks. I hate this time of year. Not a good time to work in retail...just sayin'. I have to fight back the urge to strangle customers daily. It really wears on your mind. Not a very nice or proper thing to say, but most people are just stupid. Why can't grown adults just figure dumb stuff out for themselves. Everyone needs to be spoon fed...it's pathetic. I actually feel sorry for some people...while others, I just hate. Vent time! Okay...I'll try not to moan too much about my personal life, especially in regards to my job, but I suppose it's gonna slip into this blog every once in a while. Two morons ask me to help 'em with Christmas lights [rolls eyes]...insist they saw something last week that I never saw and something there wasn't even a spot for on the shelf...anything is possible, though. I'm just sayin'. Anyway, classic stand there like an idiot moaning moment, as if that's gonna make these mystery lights appear on the shelf. They insist on me helping them tear apart the stacks on the shelves to "make sure" there aren't any "hidden". Yeah, unfortunately, it's my job to help mentally crippled a-holes. Naturally, they stand right behind me like a bunch of excited five-year-old kids, leaving me no room to work (for them) as they stand there still insisting these lights of theirs exist. I know they do not...since I physically stocked the shelf myself, but had to look to humor them. They left me no elbow room, and I was getting frustrated by their antics and the fact they were practically up my, er...butt, that I said something rude (to them) along the lines of "no offense, but please back up and give me some room to work, here". Yeah, in my position...probably not the smartest thing to say to a valued customer, but let's face it...BACK THE HECK UP!!! They didn't really react too negatively...they did give me a little extra room to set a stack of boxes on the floor as I searched for them. No mystery color lights. It figures...I did know it, but they ain't gonna believe me. Happens constantly. Then the jerk husband (I assume) finds his little opportunity to zing me as soon as I replace the boxes of lights...with a snide little "now, you're in MY way...the polite thing to say...blah, blah, blah..." whatever. It did touch a nerve with me. I played it cool and ignored it. Even suggested it might have been misidentified LED lights they had seen, but no. Again, whatever. I mean, yeah...I could have been "nicer" about asking them to step back a little, but didn't think I was that rude. They were pretty much breathing down my neck, making it impossible to work for them. Bah! I may technically get paid...but I still feel like some slave boy subject to the whims of my masters. I just hate people.

Sorry for the down note!

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