Thursday, November 24, 2011


Ah, my first blog with a holiday damned cheesy, huh? Yeah, I guess I'll hafta do the ole obligatory thing like that if I feel the need. Anyway, I was lucky to NOT have to work, I suppose one could say I should be thankful? Naw. See...yesterday, I noticed the battery light came on in my car and went off after a while while driving to work. It just so happened we got paid a day earlier, so I went to the bank on lunch and the damn thing went on and stayed on. Uh oh! As fate would have it, when I pulled back up into my usual spot, a tow truck and a battery service truck were parked over a few about a bad omen! Yeah, I was stricken with worry the rest of the day. This made the usual crappy day even crappier. Had to pick up a few pain-in-the-ass last minute things for the big dinner (never fails) too boot. Ahhhhhh...pre-Thanksgiving Day lines! Driving home was a real stress-out. I had that old fashioned gut feeling something was gonna "blow", so I carried on home with clenched fists and gritted teeth, praying to God the stupid thing wouldn't break down. Was on the home stretch when I came up behind some d-bag driving under the speed limit. Oh, Hell no! As expected...things...started. Lights dimmed and went back on, dashboard stuff started freaking out, the car started to make noises. I started screaming and cursing for the guy in front to hurry up, even though I knew he couldn't hear me...just an stress relief thing, I gotta try! Thankfully, I made it home...barely. The car just totally went on me as soon as I pulled into my parking space and would not turn back on. It was over. I'm no car expert, but I knew it was probably the alternator. I knew those things cost a good chunk of money, too. I also knew that with it being Thanksgiving, that many auto part stores may or may not be open...AND, even if they were open, I did not wanna go on a holiday. It's the principle of the thing! First, I just don't wanna go on the holiday and second, I'd feel like a jerk making someone else work on a holiday, so I just can't support the economy on a holiday...sorry! I whizzed into the house and called around to quick get a good price and get the new alternator before it was too late. My brother had gotten home early due to the holiday and drove me over. Got it! Since it was too damn dark out, I knew I was gonna hafta wait 'til the next day. I was ticked that I'd have to fix my car on Thanksgiving, but I had little choice...had to be done. I was supposed to go to a party with some old chums and was also ticked about the possibility of missing out, since I barely get to hang out with people in general. I got a ride from a friend already on the way...*whew*! Next day, after sleeping in just a bit (hey, it is a holiday, after all), I got right to work. I wanted this thing done ASAP so as not to interfere with Thanksgiving dinner. After much wailing and grinding of teeth...switched out the bad alternator just in time. I wasn't too happy about eating dinner in a state of ickiness, but had not time to shower from the day before. Oh well. AT least the damn thing was done. Had a stress headache from the self-imposed pressure...but nothin' an Advil can't cure! Other than that...the usual Thanksgiving Day stuff.

Ugh...yeah...Black Friday tomorrow...and I work retail............great.

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